On Aug 18, 2016, at 12:44 AM, Gilles Gouaillardet <gil...@rist.or.jp> wrote:
> when reading the dev meeting minutes, i saw MPI_Reduce_local was discussed 
> and might be moved to the coll framework,
> and here are my 0.02 US$ :
> the prototype of MPI_Reduce_local is
> int MPI_Reduce_local(const void *inbuf, void *inoutbuf, int count,
>                     MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op)
> bottom line, this is not a collective operation, so that could explain why it 
> is not part of the coll framework.

Agreed.  As always, the minutes shows a summary, but not the whole 
conversation.  Let me try to provide a little more color on this particular 
conversation...  (please feel free to ask about other meeting minutes items!)

In the meeting, I cited two reasons why it wasn't in coll:

1. It's not collective (as you noted).  :-)
2. It's just a simple call to the underlying op framework.

The rationale for moving it to the coll framework was for IBM / Spectrum MPI 
(the successor to IBM Platform MPI):

1. They have a proprietary PML component
2. They have a proprietary coll component

In all the SMPI PML and coll calls, they do some advanced GPU buffer handling, 
which basically means that all MPI_* API calls for p2p and collectives get this 
advanced GPU buffer handling.

...but MPI_REDUCE_LOCAL isn't handled by the pml or coll frameworks.  It would 
be nice / convenient if they could just add REDUCE_LOCAL to coll, and therefore 
add their advanced GPU buffer handling to their existing coll component (vs. 
hacking up ompi/mpi/c/reduce_local.c).

We talked about it in the meeting: admittedly, moving REDUCE_LOCAL to coll is a 
little weird / the rationale is a bit weak.  But no one had a strong opinion 
here (i.e., no one felt this was "bad"; it's just "weird"), and no one had a 
better idea.  So we said, "Sure, go ahead."

That being said, alternative suggestions would be welcome.

Jeff Squyres
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