On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 11:23 AM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) <
jsquy...@cisco.com> wrote:

> > I would have agreed with you if the current code was doing a better
> decision of what is local and what not. But it is not, it simply remove all
> 127.x.x.x interfaces (opal/util/net.c:222). Thus, the only thing the
> current code does, is preventing a power-user from using the loopback
> (despite being explicitly enabled via the corresponding MCA parameters).
> Fair enough.
> Should we have a keyword that can be used in the
> btl_tcp_if_include/exclude (e.g., "local") that removes all local-only
> interfaces?  I.E., all 127.x.x.x/8 interfaces *and* all local-only
> interfaces (e.g., bridging interfaces to local VMs and the like)?
> We could then replace the default "" value in
> btl_tcp_if_exclude with this token, and therefore actually exclude the
> VM-only interfaces (which have caused some users problems in the past).

I thought about having a more global naming scheme when writing the RFC,
but then I decided I was only interested in minimizing the scope and impact
of the patch (allowing developers to debug non-vader/sm processes on a
non-internet connected machine).

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