Dear Open MPI developer,

QE is an MPI program, cf.

In FFTXlib a questionable source code part is contained which cannot be compiled using version 17 of the Intel compilers and Open MPI; I've condensed it (see attachment).

Note that
- using Intel MPI all tested compilers (Intel/GCC/Oracle Studio/PGI) can compile stick_base_TEST.f90 with no errors/warnings issued
- using Open MPI the same is true for GCC/Oracle Studio/PGI;
- using Intel compiler up to version 16 and Open MPI, *warnings* like (1) are issued (compilation succeds);
- using Intel compiler /17, *errors* like (2) are issued (compilation fails).
- when 'PRIVATE' statement in line #3 removed, also Intel compiler compile the snippet with no error.

Well the questions is
- is stick_base_TEST.f90 a correct MPI code?
- if YES why does the Intel/17 + OpenMPI combination do not like this?
If NO why to hell none of other compiler+MPI combinations complain about this? 

Have a nice day,

Paul Kapinos

P.S. Did you noticed also this one?

- 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
/opt/MPI/openmpi-1.10.4/linux/intel_16.0.2.181/include/mpif-sizeof.h(2254): warning #6738: The type/rank/keyword signature for this specific procedure matches another specific procedure that shares the same generic-name. [PMPI_SIZEOF_REAL64_R15]
      SUBROUTINE PMPI_Sizeof_real64_r15(x, size, ierror)

- 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
/opt/MPI/openmpi-1.10.4/linux/intel_17.0.0.064/include/mpif-sizeof.h(220): error #5286: Ambiguous generic interface MPI_SIZEOF: previously declared specific procedure MPI_SIZEOF_COMPLEX32_R13 is not distinguishable from this declaration. [MPI_SIZEOF_COMPLEX32_R13]
      SUBROUTINE MPI_Sizeof_complex32_r13(x, size, ierror)

Dipl.-Inform. Paul Kapinos   -   High Performance Computing,
RWTH Aachen University, IT Center
Seffenter Weg 23,  D 52074  Aachen (Germany)
Tel: +49 241/80-24915
MODULE stick_base

INCLUDE 'mpif.h'
PUBLIC :: sticks_map_set

  SUBROUTINE sticks_map_set()
    INCLUDE 'mpif.h'
  END SUBROUTINE sticks_map_set
END MODULE stick_base

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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