On Apr 19, 2017, at 10:12 PM, Kevin Buckley 
<kevin.buckley.ecs.vuw.ac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This observation may not belong here, but as there are some eyes on this
> issue, I might as well raise it here, as I came across it in the wake of going
> with Choice 2
> If one wishes to take a nightly tarball and try and use the
> existing version's SRPM build infrastructure to create an RPM,
> then you will fall foul of the dashes in the nightly tarball
> names.
> That is, if you try putting in
> Version: v2.0.x-201704190318-24b5b83
> instead of the original
> Version: 2.0.2
> you'll be told, when coming to do an rpmbuild, (your line may differ)
> error: line 188: Illegal char '-' in: Version: v2.0.x-201704190318-24b5b83
> You can get round this by
>  1) Un-tar-ing the nightly tarball
>  2) Renaming it so that the dashes become dots
>  3) Recreating the newly named nightly tarball
> if you then use
> Version: v2.0.x.201704190318.24b5b83
> the rpmbuild runs (as in it's running as I write !).
> As to whether that observation might inform a different convention
> for naming the nightly tarballs, that is left up to the real developers.

Doh!  That's certainly an unintended consequence.  Thanks for reporting.

I'll open an issue on this.  We have several nightly scripts and whatnot that 
use this version, so I don't want to just make this change without checking a 
few other things first.

Jeff Squyres

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