Good news everyone!

PR #4331 works, I was able to apply it on 3.0.0-release (two hunks succeeded
with a offset, and the line 65 in openmpi-3.0.0/ompi/runtime/ompi_mpi_params.c
has to be changed
> < bool ompi_mpi_yield_when_idle = true;
> > bool ompi_mpi_yield_when_idle = false;
prior pathing to make the Hunk #2 working).

The patched version then (when set '-mca mpi_poll_when_idle true') change load
level of waiting processes from 100% load to some 2.5% load, or with other
words: the processes sleep well :-)

This is true for both trivial example with MPI_Barrier and for full-featured
release of ParaView (5.4.1), and thus is a solution of our issue.

It would be great if next release of Open MPI will contain this feature, even if
it will take years until these version of OpenMPI will be commonly-adopted
software (JFYI: CentOS 7.3 has openmpi-1.10.3 as default release; I'm fighting
with some ISV to let they update their Sw to 1.10.x NOW; we know about one who
just managed to go from 1.6.x to 1.8.x a half year ago...)

Thank you very much!

Paul Kapinos

On 10/12/2017 09:31 AM, Gilles Gouaillardet wrote:
> Paul,
> i made PR #4331 in order to 
> implement
> this.
> in order to enable passive wait, you simply need to
> mpirun --mca mpi_poll_when_idle true ...
> fwiw, when you use mpi_yield_when_idle, Open MPI does (highly oversimplified)
> for (...) sched_yield();
> as you already noted, top show 100% cpu usage (a closer look shows the usage 
> is
> in the kernel and not user space).
> that being said, since the process is only yielding, the other running 
> processes
> will get most of their time slices,
> and hence the system remains pretty responsive.
> Can you please give this PR a try ?
> the patch can be manually downloaded at
> Cheers,
> Gilles
> On 10/12/2017 12:37 AM, Paul Kapinos wrote:
>> Dear Jeff,
>> Dear All,
>> we know about *mpi_yield_when_idle* parameter [1]. We read [2]. You're right,
>>> if an MPI application is waiting a long time for messages,
>>> perhaps its message passing algorithm should be re-designed
>> ... but we cannot spur the ParaView/VTK developer to rewrite their software
>> famous for busy-wait on any user mouse move with N x 100% CPU load [3].
>> It turned out that
>> a) (at least some) spin time is on MPI_Barrier call (waitin' user 
>> interaction)
>> b) for Intel MPI and MPICH we found a way to disable this busy wait [4]
>> c) But, for both 'pvserver' and minimal example (attached), we were not able 
>> to
>> stop the busy waiting with Open MPI: setting *mpi_yield_when_idle* parameter 
>> to
>> '1' just seem to move the spin activity from userland to kernel, with 
>> staying at
>> 100%, cf. attached screenshots and [5]. The behaviour is the same for 1.10.4 
>> and
>> 2.0.2.
>> Well, The Question: is there a way/a chance to effectively disable the busy 
>> wait
>> using Open MPI?
>> Best,
>> Paul Kapinos
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]
>> [5]
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Dipl.-Inform. Paul Kapinos   -   High Performance Computing,
RWTH Aachen University, IT Center
Seffenter Weg 23,  D 52074  Aachen (Germany)
Tel: +49 241/80-24915

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