If you run with "--mca coll_base_verbose 10" it will display a priority list of 
the components chosen per communicator created. You will see something like:
coll:base:comm_select: new communicator: MPI_COMM_WORLD (cid 0)
coll:base:comm_select: selecting       basic, priority  10, Enabled
coll:base:comm_select: selecting      libnbc, priority  10, Enabled
coll:base:comm_select: selecting       tuned, priority  30, Enabled

Where the 'tuned' component has the highest priority - so OMPI will pick its 
version of a collective operation (e.g., MPI_Bcast), if present, over the 
collective operation of lower priority component.

I'm not sure if there is something finer-grained in each of the components on 
which specific collective function is being used or not.

-- Josh

On Tue, Apr 7, 2020 at 1:59 PM Luis Cebamanos <l.cebama...@epcc.ed.ac.uk 
<mailto:l.cebama...@epcc.ed.ac.uk> > wrote:
 Hi Josh,
 It makes sense, thanks. Is there a debug flag that prints out which component 
is chosen? 
On 07/04/2020 19:42, Josh Hursey via devel wrote:
Good question. The reason for this behavior is that the Open MPI coll(ective) 
framework does not require that every component (e.g., 'basic', 'tuned', 
'libnbc') implement all of the collective operations. It requires instead that 
the composition of the available components (e.g., basic + libnbc) provides the 
full set of collective operations.

This is nice for a collective implementor since they can focus on the 
collective operations they want in their component, but it does mean that the 
end-user needs to know about this composition behavior.

The command below will show you all of the available collective components in 
your Open MPI build.
ompi_info | grep " coll"

'self' and 'libnbc' probably need to be included in all of your runs, maybe 
'inter' as well. The others like 'tuned' and 'basic' may be able to be swapped 

To compare 'basic' vs 'tuned' you can run:
 --mca coll basic,libnbc,self
 --mca coll tuned,libnbc,self

It is worth noting that some of the components like 'sync' are utilities that 
add functionality on top of the other collectives - in the case of 'sync' it 
will add a barrier before/after N collective calls.


On Tue, Apr 7, 2020 at 10:54 AM Luis Cebamanos via devel 
<devel@lists.open-mpi.org <mailto:devel@lists.open-mpi.org> > wrote:
 Hello developers,
 I am trying to debug the mca choices the library is taking for
 collective operations. The reason is because I want to force the library
 to choose a particular module and compare it with a different one.
 One thing I have notice is that I can do:
 mpirun --mca coll basic,libnbc  --np 4 ./iallreduce
 for an "iallreduce" operation, but I get an error if I do
 mpirun --mca coll libnbc  --np 4 ./iallreduce
 mpirun --mca coll basic  --np 4 ./iallreduce
 Although some coll components are available on your system, none of
 them said that they could be used for iallgather on a new communicator.

 This is extremely unusual -- either the "basic", "libnbc" or "self"
 should be able to be chosen for any communicator.  As such, this
 likely means that something else is wrong (although you should double
 check that the "basic", "libnbc" and "self" coll components are available on
 your system -- check the output of the "ompi_info" command).
 A coll module failed to finalize properly when a communicator that was
 using it was destroyed.
 This is somewhat unusual: the module itself may be at fault, or this
 may be a symptom of another issue (e.g., a memory problem).
   mca_coll_base_comm_select(MPI_COMM_WORLD) failed
    --> Returned "Not found" (-13) instead of "Success" (0)
 Can you please help?
 The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with 
registration number SC005336.

Josh Hursey
IBM Spectrum MPI Developer

Josh Hursey
IBM Spectrum MPI Developer

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