Hello all,

I have created a —with-slurm option when running (See updated README). In order 
to set new defaults for collective algorithms, we will need data from those who 
wish to provide it. We have created the following package that allows for 
collecting data: https://github.com/open-mpi/ompi-collectives-tuning

Please run the package as soon as possible. Details on how to run are in the 
README.md<http://README.md>. If data collection fails, the output of the 
analyze script (either analyze.sh.o* for SGE or the ouput of ./run_and_analyze 
if using slurm) will report "Error parsing <filename>. Data format doesn't 
match. Exiting..”. Please make sure data collection succeeds and a decision 
file is written entirely.

Please provide me with either the output directory or if it’s inconvenient to 
share this data, provide me a list of optimal switchover points at different 
message sizes for each algorithm (This can be in the form of the 
output/decision.file which only contains switchover points and no specific 
performance numbers)

William Zhang

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