Sorry, keep forgetting to reply.  I think your list is a reasonable starting 
point.  I think AWS is still a little thin in its OS/compiler testing, we 
definitely have room to improve there.  We probably won't pick up the older 
Intel compilers, for various reasons.  We are running recent Intel Compilers 
with TCP and EFA (but obviously not usnic).  I think your list is pretty 
reasonable for compilers, and we should probably pick up more here along the 
way.  If I were you and had to prune, I'd probably prune the GCC 9 / CLANG 9...


-----Original Message-----
From: devel <> on behalf of "Jeff Squyres 
(jsquyres) via devel" <>
Reply-To: Open MPI Developers <>
Date: Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 9:38 AM
To: Open MPI Developers List <>
Cc: Jeff Squyres <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [OMPI devel] Which compiler versions to test?

    CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not 
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    Open question to the Open MPI dev community...

    Over time, the size of my MTT cluster has been growing smaller (due to 
hardware failure, power budget restrictions, etc.).  This means that I have far 
fewer CPU cycles available for testing various compilers and configure CLI 
options than I used to.

    What compilers does the community think are worthwhile to test these days?  
I generally have access to gcc/gfortran, clang, and some versions of the Intel 
compiler suite.

    master, 4.0.x, and 4.1.x branches
    - gcc 4.8.5 (i.e., the default gcc on RHEL 7.x)
    - gcc 9.latest
    - gcc 10.latest
    - clang 9.0.latest
    - clang 10.0.latest
    - Intel 2017
    - Intel 2019

    (I don't have Intel 2018 or Intel 2020)

    Is this sufficient?  Or is it worthwhile to test other versions of these 

    Jeff Squyres

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