
Thanks for the report and suggesting a solution!

Could you please issue a pull request so your fix can be reviewed?
note the commit has to be signed-off (IANAL, make sure you understand
the implications)
in order to be accepted upstream.



On Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 6:40 AM Max Schrötter via devel
<> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I recently opened an issue on github, before reading on the OpenMPI site
> that I should have posted my problem here, sorry.
> I get a segmentation fault when using one sided communication on a
> new communicator created by MPI_Comm_split.
> All the details are on github :
> I also might have found a possible solution.
> It would be great if someone could have a look at the issue and try to
> reproduce it or tell me if my test code is wrong.
> Thanks,
> Max

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