Dear Open MPI developer,

The help for ./configure in openmpi-4.1.0 says (see also below):
  > external" forces Open MPI to use an external installation of PMIx.

If I understood correctly, this (also) means that if there is *no* external PMIx available on the system, the ./configure run should fail and exit with non-zero exit code.

However, when trying this on a node with no PMIx library installed, we just found out that the configure finishes with no error message, and configure also internal PMIx,
  > checking if user requested internal PMIx support(external)... no
  > ...
  > PMIx support: Internal

This is surprising and feels like an error. Could you have a look at this? Thank you!

Have a nice day,
Paul Kapinos

P.S. grep for 'PMIx' in config-log
(pastebin and gist both need accounts and I hate accounts).

./configure --help
    --with-pmix(=DIR)       Build PMIx support. DIR can take one of three
                            values: "internal", "external", or a valid directory
                            name. "internal" (or no DIR value) forces Open MPI
to use its internal copy of PMIx. "external" forces
                            Open MPI to use an external installation of PMIx.
Supplying a valid directory name also forces Open MPI to use an external installation of PMIx, and
                            adds DIR/include, DIR/lib, and DIR/lib64 to the
                            search path for headers and libraries. Note that
                            Open MPI does not support --without-pmix.

Dipl.-Inform. Paul Kapinos   -   High Performance Computing,
RWTH Aachen University, IT Center
Seffenter Weg 23,  D 52074  Aachen (Germany)
Tel: +49 241/80-24915

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