That error message is coming from autogen.  If you specify "--no-3rdparty 
pmix", you can avoid trying to run autogen in the pmix directory.  Otherwise, 
you still have to have the pmix source to run autogen.


On 11/12/21, 1:41 PM, "Heinz, Michael  William" 
<> wrote:

    CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not 
click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the 
content is safe.

    Brian, just a heads up - I still see

    === Submodule: 3rd-party/openpmix
        ==> ERROR: Missing

    The submodule "3rd-party/openpmix" is missing.

    Perhaps you forgot to "git clone --recursive ...", or you need to
    "git submodule update --init --recursive"...?

    Even though I specified --with-pmix=/usr/local.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: devel <> On Behalf Of Barrett, Brian 
via devel
    Sent: Friday, November 12, 2021 3:35 PM
    To: Open MPI Developers <>
    Cc: Barrett, Brian <>
    Subject: [OMPI devel] External PMIx/PRRTE and "make dist"

    Just a quick heads up that I just committed;;sdata=mYdwzx5qHVKf8l8TYQTeJFK%2F9MK0bJ5MkzJ8kHDB4K0%3D&amp;reserved=0,
 which changes Open MPI's behavior around PMIX/PRRTE and external builds.  
Previously, the configure script for the internally packaged PMIX and PRRTE 
were always run.  Now, if the user specifies 
--with-{pmix,prrte}={external,[path]}, Open MPI's configure will not run the 
sub-configure for the package that the user has asked to be an external 
dependency.  This has the side-effect of breaking "make dist" in those 
situations.  So, going forward, if you add --with-pmix=external or 
--with-prrte=external on master (and likely soon 5.0), you will *not* be able 
to successfully run "make dist" in that build tree.  You can run Open MPI's 
configure with no pmix/prrte arguments if you need to run "make dist".  Given 
the general split in use cases between where you'd want to link against an 
external PMIX/PRRTE and where you would want to build a distribution tarball, 
this is not anticipated to be a problem in practice.



    External recipient

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