I am from Technology Collaboration Team of Nokia Research Center in Finland. We 
are now having a Voip Mobile application project, and we have been using 
openser core as our sip server, it worked very nicely.
But now we are testing the SIP-XMPP gateway interoperatability of openser 
Pua_xmpp module. After several weeks of attempts, we found very hard to 
configure openser as IM and presence gateway with presence, mysql, pua, xmpp, 
pua_xmpp installed and configure. The handshake between sip and xmpp is 
successful, sometimes It shows presence information of sip user in the xmpp 
user side few times, and never shows xmpp users presence status in the sip 
We really think openser has so many useful and robust functionality, and really 
wish to continue using openser servers. But we did not found essential document 
except the module document for configure PUA_XMPP, could you please point out 
for use:
1. which version of openser has tested presence gateway of SIP-xmpp.
2. is there any detailed information how to configure correctly the pua_xmpp 
Thanks a lot.
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