The re-Invite pinging sounds great, so long as it is separate dlg flag from
the OPTIONs ping. I know from experience that certain systems (Asterisk)
will sometimes incorrectly respond with a 200 OK to in-Dialog OPTIONS when
the call is actually gone. On the other hand, some equipment can't handle
re-Invites either.

A few things that I have noted, and that would be nice to see in a future

1. Better failure handling for cachedb_*. We use memcached and have lost a
cache node before. Opensips will just continually timeout trying to read
from the failed node. The only way to get it to stop was to edit the
configuration to remove the dead node then restart opensips. Would be nice
if this behaved similar to db_virtual or rtpproxy in detecting timeouts and
retrying so often, as well as some mi commands to disable a cache

2. Opensips should be able to start even if db_virtual was not able to
connect to all databases. So long as it can connect to at least 1 it should
still work. We have had to move away from using db_vritual because of this

3. Insert buffering support for db_virtual. Currently these two things
don't work together, which can make it a bit difficult to scale out
database writes.

On another note, I submitted a patch for direct futex support under linux
for locking. It has shown good promise in my testing and I am wondering if
there is any interest in trying to get it included for 1.9?



On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 8:20 AM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <>wrote:

> Hi all,
> I would like to start a discussion about the next OpenSIPS major release -
> and in this discussion anyone is welcomed with options, ideas, critics and
> other. Your feedback is important to drive the project into a direction
> that reflects the user's needs!.
> So, I will here the starting points, for both release planing and release
> content.
> Content
> -------
> What was done:
> What is planned:
> Planned items have priorities (for being addressed); it is a must to have
> all items done for the next release, as we need to fit into a time frame.
> Whatever is not done, will be left for the next release (1.10)
> Planing
> -------
> Release candidate:
>     second half of January 2012, depending on the progress with the items
> to be done.
> Testing phase:
>     1 month allocated (it may be extended if critical problems show up)
> Stable release:
>     second half of February (after the testing phase is done).
> Once again, your feedback on these matters is important to us.
> Best regards,
> --
> Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
> OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
> http://www.opensips-solutions.**com <>
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