Hello all,

We would like to get suggestions and help on the matter of distributing the user location information. Extending the User Location with a built-in distributed support is not straight forward - it is not about simply sharing data - as it is really SIP dependent and network limited

While now, by using the OpenSIPS trunk, it is possible to just share the actual usrloc info ( by using the db_cachedb module and storing the information in a MongoDB cluster ), you can encounter real-life scenarios where just sharing the info is not enough, like : - NAT-ed clients, where only the initial server that received the Register has the pin-hole open, and thus is the only server that can relay traffic back to the respective client - the user has a SIP client that only accepts traffic from the server IP that it's currently registered against, and thus would reject direct traffic from other IPs ( due to security reasons )

We would like to implement a true general solution for this issue, and would appreciate your feedback on this. Also we'd appreciate if you could share the needs that you would have from such a distributed user location feature, and the scenarios that you would use such a feature in real-life setups.

Best Regards,

Vlad Paiu
OpenSIPS Developer

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