Hi all,

I'm trying to find the proper way to fix 
https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips/issues/165 since we are close to a 
release. I need to obtain the CSeq value for a request/response, but get_cseq 
is not going to cut it. If dialog ping is used it could be internally mangled, 
so I want the mangled value.

I thought I could get the cseq_n value from the transaction as in 
but unfortunately the docs disagree with the real world. cseq_n contains 
doesn't contain the number but the header itself.

The aforementioned issue raises because the header is something like "CSeq:42" 
(note the lack of a space). So it looks like I'd need to manually parse the 
CSeq header here?!

So, TLDR, how is a module supposed to get the CSeq for a request/response, even 
in the case OpenSIPS modifies it?


Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
AG Projects

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