For the record. This should probably be improved to handle in-memory contacts 
as well, since this can now be binary-replicated (right?)

16:28 < lirakis> bogdan_vs, if there was a "smart" nat ping ... then i think 
you could do distributed usrloc out of the box with replication, path headers, 
and a smart nat ping
16:31 < wdoekes> lirakis: smart nat ping? do you mean: ?
16:32 < lirakis> wdoekes, yes
16:33 < lirakis> was ... this merged?
16:33 < wdoekes> no
16:33 < lirakis> but yeah
16:34 < lirakis> i mean ... we do this already with our own custom usrloc stuff
16:34 < lirakis> im just saying for "out of the box" functionality
16:34 < lirakis> i think that would be the only thing missing that i can think 
16:34 < wdoekes> one could poke razvan to get it merged
16:35 < lirakis> razvan ... poke
16:35 < lirakis> he he
16:35 < wdoekes> =)
16:35 < lirakis> so .. you are actually just changing usrloc to return only 
local contacts from get_all_u_contacts ?
16:36 < lirakis> but ... are you actually stlil getting contacts on other 
servers when you do a lookup ?
16:36 < lirakis> b/c i would still wan that behavior
16:36 < lirakis> so you can use path headers to route from an adjecent proxy to 
the "home" proxy
16:36 < lirakis> wdoekes, not sure if im being clear
16:38 < wdoekes> it's only the "get_all" that is affected
16:38 < wdoekes> and then only the db-version
16:38 < wdoekes> so for your binary replication, we may need to improve the 
16:39 < lirakis> ah
16:39 < lirakis> ok
16:39 < wdoekes> the get_all is only called from nathelper (afaics)
16:39 < lirakis> right
16:39 < lirakis> vs "lookup"
16:39 < wdoekes> correct
16:39 < lirakis> cool
16:40 < wdoekes> I don't store users in mem, so I didn't need that. but I see 
how that could be an improvement
16:41 < wdoekes> (and probably, the get_all_ should be renamed to get_all_local 
or something)
16:41 < lirakis> but again - im just thinking about generic out of the box 

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