Hello Devels:

Making some tests with version 1.11.3 I've just discover how to casue a crash 
simply calling pres_phtable_list using fifo (opensipsctl fifo 

I execute this command in a proxy that is not acting as presence server, but 
must have the presence modules loaded because is using pua_dialoginfo to set 
dialoginfo to real presence server (another opensips).

I asume the correct behaviour in this proxy should be not return anything  
(because it really don't have anything in the tables) but never a crash....

The related modules config is:

modparam("presence", "mix_dialog_presence", 1)
modparam("presence", "server_address", "sip:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX")
modparam("pua", "db_table", "pua_p3")
modparam("pua", "hash_size", 11)
modparam("pua_dialoginfo", "presence_server", "sip:prese...@yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy")
modparam("pua_dialoginfo", "caller_spec_param", "$avp(callerSpec)")
modparam("pua_dialoginfo", "callee_spec_param", "$avp(calleeSpec)")

modparam("pua_usrloc", "default_domain", "sip.mydomain.com")
modparam("pua_usrloc", "presence_server", "sip:prese...@yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy")

where XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is my own IP (the ip of the proxy that crash) and 
YYY.YYY.YYY.YYY is the IP of the real presence server.

All presence related messages are relayed to real presence server or the UACs, 
with no presence processing in the proxy, except for pua_dialoginfo and  
pua_usrloc publishing.

In next comment I'll put a backtrace of the generated core. If you need to 
reproduce the issue I can supply all the info you request.

Carlos Oliva

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