Hi Nikita,

You use the str_init() macro in a wrong way - it is intended to take as param a static string (ie. str_init("test string") ) and not a pointer, as you do. str_init() macro does a sizeof, and for you it will be 8 (size of a pointer on 64bit) -> with one null termination -> 7 left :).


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 05.12.2014 10:40, Nikita Tarasov wrote:
We are creating module for opensips working similar to call_control. This module exchanges with our software via unix socket. I developed mostly the all functionality that we want nevertheless I got very strange result in setting AVP variable via module. This variable with string is cutting after 7th symbol.
How can I increase AVP string variable length?
code example
pv_value_t spec_value;
pch = strtok (NULL, "\r\n:");
str text = str_init(pch);
spec_value.rs = text;
spec_value.flags = PV_VAL_STR;
if (pv_set_value(msg,&(mediagateway_avp_spec),0,&spec_value) != 0){
    LM_ERR("Failed to set the output variable\n");

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