Hi all,

I'm really excited to announce the first OpenSIPS Summit for 2015 :
    12th - 13th of May 2015, Amsterdam NL

This event is a premiere as:
* it is the first Summit taking place on the old continent (aka Europe :))
    * it is the first 2-days event
    * it hosts an OpenSIPS Social Event on 12th evening

The star of this Summit is OpenSIPS 2.1 (this is to be released on 18th of March), introducing to the participants, via presentations and workshops, all the great additions we have in 2.1 - webRTC, async queries, SIP compression, fraud detection and many others. Of course, the Summit is not only about 2.1, but also about tools, platform or engines which are OpenSIPS interconnected (like billing, interfaces and others)

We are heavily working on setting the final schedule (topics and presenters) and we are open to anyone willing to give a presentation on any OpenSIPS topic ( see the call for papers http://www.opensips.org/Community/Summit-2015Amsterdam#toc6 ). We already have an awesome set of speakers from various and interesting companies/institutes across Europe ;)

The Social Event is to be held on the 12th of May in the evening, it is open to anyone (not related to the Summit registration). If you want to meet and see faces behind nicks/emails, to share a beer (or an Amsterdam coffee :D), to shake hands and have a good time, simply drop an email.

The Summit registration is already available (space is not infinite, first come, first served):

I'm really looking forward to see a lot of people in Amsterdam, especially all those people who could not make it to the Summits in US !

Best regards,

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

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