##### opensips.cfg 
# ----- drouting -----
modparam("drouting", "db_url", "sqlite://var/db/opensips")
##### opensips.log
Apr 18 15:39:39 localhost opensips: INFO:drouting:dr_init: Dynamic-Routing - 
Apr 18 15:39:39 localhost opensips: ERROR:db_sqlite:db_sqlite_query: failed to 
prepare: (no such table: version)
Apr 18 15:39:39 localhost opensips: ERROR:db_sqlite:db_sqlite_get_query_rows: 
failed to prepare query
#####  opens incorrect sqlite db handler:
# ls -al /var/db
-rw-r--r--  1 root root      0 Apr 18 15:28 opensips?  <-- this is created

##### gdb
(gdb) break modules/db_sqlite/dbase.c:162
(gdb) print _h->url
$2 = {s = 0x7ffff7431bd0 "sqlite://var/db/opensips8", len = 24}
(gdb) print query_holder
$3 = {s = 0x852740 <sql_buf> "select table_version from version where 
table_name='dr_gateways's", len = 64}
167             if (ret!=SQLITE_OK)
(gdb) s
168                     LM_ERR("failed to prepare: (%s)\n", 
(gdb) print ret
$4 = 1

##### Synopsis
Seems like the pointer arithmetic in val2str for type DB_STR 
(modules/db_sqlite/val.c:229) is off (the trailing s is from the previous 
sql_buf that dialog populates however the length is correct), but the other 
issue is its not accessing the proper db_url string that is set correctly.  
It's weird that the other modules do not seem to have this issue.  

For example, dialog is the first to load, and the gdb printout of _h->url 
returns the same data for its query and everything else seems ok.  Perhaps 
there is an invalid or lacking CON_<X> macro call?

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