The documentation on tls_mgm says this about verify_cert and require_cert:


1.8.10. verify_cert ([domain](string) and require_cert ([domain](string)

Technically, verify_cert activates SSL_VERIFY_PEER in the ssl_context. 
'require_cert' does the same with SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT, which is 
only possible if SSL_VERIFY_PEER is also turned on. Since version 2.1, these 
parameters act have been reduced to only one. The domain part represents the 
name of the TLS domain.

These two parameters are used for incoming TLS connections, where OpenSIPS acts 
as server.


So what is the meaning of these options for a client domain, given that the 
documentation explicitly mentions that they are used for incoming connections?


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