Hi, microcode-ctl is a nice little tool that allows Intel microcode updating. I think that this service should be enabled by default on any Sabayon system, since I think that the OS reliability should be our biggest concern.
I suggest this configuration: equo install microcode-ctl rc-update add microcode_ctl boot due to security reasons (microcode not being re-updated if a core suspends or the system suspends) I would change the default configuration of this service in: /etc/conf.d/microcode_ctl setting: MICROCODE_UNLOAD="no" this way the microcode updating module stays active and can update the microcode again in the above mentioned situations. microcode_ctl only allows the update of Intel CPUs, but AMD ones are not updated, luckily AMD delivers microcode updates for Linux with detailed instructions on how to apply them: http://www.amd64.org/support/microcode.html I think it would be great to include both AMD and Intel microcode update on Sabayon where available automagically. -- Lorenzo Cogotti