
I would like to suggest a new feature for entropy (unless it already is
there and I didn't notice :)): adding support for local repositories.

Sometimes a user could have no internet connection, for whatever reason:
- the user is traveling and has no reliable connection
- the user just installed Sabayon and network card is not recognized
- whatever else (slow connection, etc...)

It would be useful to have support for repositories that are not online,
but local, some examples would be:
- local repositories from DVD/optical drive
- local repositories from directories
- local repositories from other partitions

The feature could be implemented editing /etc/entropy/repositories.conf,
in a way that entropy can distinguish between the repository category,
for example a DVD URL would be:
a local path could be:
and so on.

There could also be tools to download packages from another online
repository in a way that they can be added on a Sabayon system as local
packages, for example this could be a use case:

- the user installs Sabayon/uses Sabayon and for whatever reason he/she
has no internet connection
- the user boots from another PC and goes to http://packages.sabayon.org
- the user finds a package he/she is interested in and clicks "download
with entire deptree", this is basically the same thing you would get
equo install --empty --deep <package>
- the user then copies its downloaded packages into the local
repositories, possibly using an equo command
- the user can now install those packages whenever he/she wants without
having to rely on internet connection.

This feature could also be useful for "freezing the system", assuming
that a user doesn't want to risk system instability due to updates, a
user could run an hypotetical:

equo snapshot <repository>

to copy its currently installed packages with the same exact same
version to a local repository and generate a "mirror" with all the
packages he/she needs. To reduce the bandwidth this could rely on the
packages cache when available.

Would this feature be useful or am I just suggesting a bunch of useless

Lorenzo Cogotti

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