Now is a good time to try to implement some hardened features in Sabayon.

Since hardening has the potential to break some applications, Sabayon
will want to approach the issue incrementally.  Some of the first
steps may just be to lay the groundwork, and not really provide any
significant security enhancements.

"Hardening" is a very broad topic, with many overlapping subtopics.
Right now, there are a handful of show-stoppers that would probably
prevent Sabayon from implementing across-the-board hardening (not the
least of which is a lack of consensus as to what would constitute a
fully hardened Desktop system).  But, over time, I expect the blockers
to gradually support hardening.

Linux server applications are much further along in supporting
hardening than the Linux Desktop world.  So since Sabayon is heavily
invested in the Desktop area of Linux, we'll need to be careful how we

It would be counter-productive for me to provide a tutorial on
hardening.  But, here's a few links I've found helpful.

I found flameeye's blog very enlightening for someone who is just
trying to get their head around hardening.

Sabayon will probably wait on implementing the hardened patches in
Gentoo's hardened kernel.  But, there are some really interesting
capabilities bundled into the Gentoo hardened kernel, and we will
certainly want to evaluate what can be implemented (or perhaps when).

Our initial focus will probably be on building a subset of
applications with PIE.  This is a topic that has recently been active.
 And the ASLR that is already in the kernel should work "well-enough"
with binaries built with PIE.

Supporting PaX/NX will probably take longer.

Since there are several sub-topics to discuss, I'm going to cut this
post off here, and try to keep the messages to being only slightly
long.  I'll get into some of the sub-topics in separate posts.

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