I use cyrrilic charset (Russian and Ukrainian)
my choice is:

It shows latin and cyrillic letters perfectly.
Керівник проекту
Груша.org.ua <http://xn--80af3bmz.org.ua>
e-mail: vit...@grusha.org.ua
IRC: chat.freenode.net #grusha

2012/4/18 Fabio Erculiani <lx...@sabayon.org>

> As per bug 2582, consolefont is written by Anaconda using
> /usr/share/anaconda/lang-table [1].
> If it's just a matter of tweaking the defaults, the file at [1] should
> be patched.
> [1] http://git.sabayon.org/anaconda.git/tree/lang-table
> --
> Fabio Erculiani

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