
Inspired by bug 3240 I've looked for injected packages with broken linkage
and rebuilt them (and a few others linking to libbfd-

To find a broken library I've used qfile to see if any package provides
a file with such name.
Is there a better way with eit, something like eit $something libdunno.so.1?

For the record, I've used this method to find what injected packages have broken symbols
(because I don't know any better way).

* x86:
eit query needed -q `eit list -q --injected sabayonlinux.org | sort -u` | while read wut; do qfile -e "$wut" > /dev/null || echo "$wut = N/A"; done

* amd64 - similar, but excludes emul-linux* packages:
eit query needed -q `eit list -q --injected sabayonlinux.org | sort -u` | while read wut; do [[ -n $(qfile -Ce "$wut" | grep -v emul-linux) ]] || echo "$wut = N/A"; done

(this gave me a list of approx. 9 libs, for example: "libgnutls-openssl.so.26 = N/A"); then I ran something like eit query needed `eit list -q --injected sabayonlinux.org` | less and checked manually which packages were affected.

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