
The libav project has served Sabayon well, and the fact it appeared and
has been actively developed might have made great impact on the world of
audio/video libraries. However, this may be a good time to switch back
to ffmpeg. There are references on IRC that it's wanted by users because
of projects that work only with ffmpeg.

I analysed it and concluded that there should be no big problems about
the switch. Here is what I found out. I used 3.2.4 as target, which is
the last stable version.

No package should be lost after the switch. First of all, it seems that
there are no "actual" packages in Gentoo tree that work with libav but
not ffmpeg. (I took a simplistic approach for checking this, parsing in
a way and comparing reverse dependencies listings from
http://qa-reports.gentoo.org/, but it believe it was accurate.) Second,
according to bug reports about incompatibilities with ffmpeg 3, packages
that Sabayon provides with ffmpeg USE flag enabled have either patches
(on BZ or at upstream) or new versions available that should correct the
failure. Certainly, I didn't check that patches myself, so there is
still a risk, but basing on the whole, it's negligible. It is also
possible that a failure has not been reported. Comments on interesting
cases I noted down are below.

tracker bugs:
https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=574788 (ffmpeg-3) - [TRACKER]
media-video/ffmpeg-3.0 transition
https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=575538 [TRACKER]
media-video/ffmpeg-3.0 stabilization

not listed above, so I'm listing it here (new version is available):
media-libs/xine-lib-1.2.6-r2 fails to compile after upgrading to

about to be removed from Gentoo:
https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=575824 app-cdr/backlite-1.0.3-r1
: src/.../k9avidecode.cpp:241:    33: error: ‘PIX_FMT_RGB24’ was not
declared in this scope

easy workaround is to disable this flag on ffmpeg (not much useful, no
reverse dependency problems):
https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=598054 =media-video/ffmpeg-3.1.5
can't link properly when USE="jpeg2k"

I can do the work. Due to a large number of packages to rebuild and the
need to handle issues, if any, the work would be spread across a few
days, perhaps up to about a week. Until finished, no other package
related work could be done in Entropy (!), which means a short freeze.

I could start at the end of this week, or even a little earlier, if
nobody complains.

Is there something I missed that makes the switch not possible?

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