As i understand Sailfish OS in based on Mer, difference is very small ~10
rpm packages.
Why we can`t just use same packages that will be in Sailfish Emulator of
Beta SDK?

On 18 July 2013 19:03, Andrea Bernabei <> wrote:

> Hello guys :)
> We all know Sailfish has moved to Wayland and will use Wayland by default
> in its first phone :)
> The time has come for us to start moving Nemo to Wayland as well!
> This will give us the opportunity to use the same middleware Jolla is
> currently using, and it's our chance to switch to Qt5 and be as connected
> to Sailfish OS development as possible!
> For the N9/N950 users: if you want to have the chance of seeing Sailfish
> OS on your phone, please note that THIS is the way to go! No Wayland on
> Nemo, no chance of having Sailfish on your phone! ;) Just to make things
> clear :D
> So...what's the plan?
> Yesterday I started working on making a Nemo VM i486 image which is as
> Qt4-free as possible, and uses Wayland by default.
> You can see the current status of this transition to Wayland here
> Stskeeps suggested starting from the VM as it has a stable hardware
> adaptation, we can do Wayland images for the other platforms later on
> (n9/n950 anyone? :D)
> Also, this whole Wayland/Qt5 thing is needed before we start implementing
> stuff for the new Nemo UI (which is Glacier UI, at the moment), as it
> wouldn't make sense to implement stuff in Qt4/X11 now and then port
> everything to Qt5/Wayland shortly after that, right? :D
> After fixing all the needed bits on the wiki page (i.e. look for all the
> Qt4 and Qt4-dependent packages we can get rid of, and write down which of
> those can be replaced with their Qt5 ports) we have to change stuff in
> Nemo's boot process (which is using systemd) so that the new qt5 services
> are used, and the Wayland compositor is run at startup, instead of the
> current X11 compositor.
> I know little about systemd at the moment, I'll start researching as I'm
> done with the packages stuff...If you can help with systemd or can boost my
> systemd knowledge, please contact me! :)
> People from Jolla are already helping me, but they're often busy with
> other stuff, and I can't waste too much of their time on this, I want them
> to focus on Sailfish :D
> So please bookmark the page I created, and if you want to help please come
> talk to me at #nemomobile on IRC :)
> This is all,
> have a nice evening people!
> faenil
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