Hi Bolek

*I am not from Jolla, so that's just musings of yet another third party dev.
IMHO there are several different sub-issues:

1. RPM dependency installation system in general
I think it's just wonderful that you app can declare what it needs and it
just gets it

2. Positioning module not included to Sailfish by default
Yeah, modules expected to be used often could included from the very
beginning indeed. Maybe they will be added

3. YAML/Spec toolchain support and how on earth you figure which module you
need and what you need specify in .yaml/.spec

This particular area IMHO needs quite a lot of improvement. At least a
guide telling which modules are to be found in which packages for build
machine and for device run time would be very helpful

3.1 My favorite sub-problem is that current YAML/SPEC support is just not
ready for subdirs projects
As long as I use subdirs, I have to delete YAML completely (otherwise
creator keeps messing up with it) and even with just .spec some dances are
to be performed in order to run some of the subprojects

3.2 Testing whether all the dependencies are declared properly
IMHO at the moment the only way to test whether final users will actually
be able to install all the dependencies is to.. reinstall SDK from scratch.
Otherwise you never know if RPM really requests everything needed or you
are just lucky to have some packages already present in your particular

Just my 2 cents of feedback [hopefully structured enough for helping those
thinking of SDK improvements].

Best regards,

On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 3:17 AM, tw_bolek <tw_bo...@op.pl> wrote:

> Chris,
> First of all, thank you very much for your help.
> However.... is there any valid reason why it is so complicated?
> Positioning is probably one of the most frequently used functions in
> smartphone applications. I'd understand that some 3rd party or less
> important modules are not included by default but Positioning...? It should
> be included by default....
> Not every developer is familiar with all these complicated procedures of
> installing additional packages. And on Windows it probably isn't as easy as
> on Linux.   I want to focus on developing apps and not on configuring the
> SDK to be able to use the most basic functions...  If I want to use
> something extra then I'm ready for it requiring additional steps, but as
> basic thing as positioning should have been included by default...
> If it's due to Qt5.x not yet being complete, maybe Jolla should have
> sticked to Qt4.8 (or at least used both) until Qt5.2 comes out and matures?
> Many thanks for your time and support, anyway!
> Best regards,
> Bolek
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