Hi Jarko

On OSX and on Windows I get an Installer Error (OSX version error below, Window error coming in my next mail).

Fatal error while evaluating a script.

Error: cannot access member `updateRequested' of deleted QObject



Zitat von "Jarko Vihriala" <jarko.vihri...@jolla.com>:

Hello again,

Like it was disclosed earlier, the SailfishOS Emulator had a bug that it would not refresh its package repositories. If you were required to install new packages to it, it would eventually fail on RPM deployment. Now there is a fixed version available. We have uploaded an updated emulator to the SDK repository. The new emulator bears the label '2013.10.28-0' and the old one was '2013.10.18-0'.

As always you should shut down all VMs before starting the update.

This means that your Qt Creator should pick up the update and you should see 'Updates' icon in Qt Creator's ui, here's how to proceed with update: 1. click update icon (or run updater from toolbar), sdk maintenance tool will open 2. sdk maintenance tool should be set up already for the update action, click next. 3. you should see that the current emulator version is 2013.10.18-0 and it's going to be updated, click next 4. click update to proceed. sdk maintenance tool downloads the new emulator and installs it. 5. once it's completed, click finish. You now have the new emulator installed.

Here's the release note for this update:
SailfishOS Emulator:
* when emulator boots, it refreshes its package repositories with pkcon refresh and thus is then capable to retrieve package dependencies from sailfishos.org.
Any other component:
* no changes.

If you encounter any issues, please report them to Sailfish developers mailing list at devel@lists.sailfishos.org
Happy hacking!

Best regards,
Jolla Sailfish SDK Team
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

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