8.11.2013 16:18, Marcin M.:
Well, this all anty-piracy campaign is going too far! :) Who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.

1. People who won't have money - won't buy. If they can't use the apps, they won't use the system. And choose Android/Jailbroken iOS 2. It's becoming a little spy-like to send data from device to the manufacturer's servers! It's not IE to access internet from your device and vice versa
I'll point to all the criticism Canonical is currently facing due to the DASH privacy issues & their botched handling of it (most recent being the fixubuntu case).

Also regarding the previously mentioned IMEI checking, just something to think about in regards of leaking the IMEI:

3. How can we detect if someone installed a free version from "talk.maemo.org <http://talk.maemo.org>" instead of buying the same version from Harbor? What about being given the package by the developer?

I think that there's no use in write a complicated copy protection library. The optimal option is to just make installing (just using CLI would discourage many). If someone wants to crack, he'll crack anyway or not use the platform at all.

And... Losing warranty after dev mode? Please elaborate.
Also interested to hear a clarification to this.



2013/11/8 Andrey Kozhevnikov <coderusin...@gmail.com <mailto:coderusin...@gmail.com>>

    Well. As Harmattan havent copy protection at all, developers
    started creating own methods for detecting if application is
    *really* bought by user. And it was done using osa binaries. You
    can always get application source, and if it osa - application
    installed from Store (means paid applicatioin was bought).

    I see following:

    Lightweight library provides methods for developer to detect if
    application installed from Harbour (bought actually) or not.
    Daemon side of library handles this calls and send negative
    results to Harbour servers. This protection library should provide
    also some kind of *sandbox*. Functions, included into sandbox will
    be executed in safe threads and will be self-obfuscated and
    protected from modifications. Any byte changing *sandbox* part of
    application cause showing warning screen when application
    starting, application became misbehave or quiting after some
    period of time, and sending information to Harbour servers.

    And developer can choose which strategy application will use: easy
    or hard, or make own methods based on easy *is bought?* checks.

    On 08.11.2013 12:02, Jonni Rainisto wrote:

            That's good, but what I don't get in that case is... does that
            coincidentally mean "enable developer mode" == "disable
            copy protection"?

        It doesn't mean that.  It will be lightweight, does not limit
        resources and does not care what mode you are on. People will
        just have to wait for untill its ready before more datails
        will be available. But feel free to give suggestions what kind
        of API's you would prefer to have as a developer in Harbour to
        make your life easier.

        re, Jonni
        From: devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org
        <mailto:devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org>] on behalf of
        Attila Csipa [q...@csipa.in.rs <mailto:q...@csipa.in.rs>]
        Sent: Friday, November 08, 2013 2:37 AM
        To: Mohammed Hassan; Sailfish OS Developers
        Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Jolla Harbour and Jolla Store

        On 07-Nov-13 15:51, Mohammed Hassan wrote:

                Not quite :) What I'm interested in is what *will* be
                there (or,
                rather, what resources will it limit) as opposed to
                what is NOT
                going to be there (whether not having Aegis there is
                good, or bad,
                depends on what you will have there instead is better
                or worse than

            As Jonni said:
            After you enable developer mode, you have _true_ root
            access to the device
            and can freely replace system binaries and do what ever
            you want with your
            device (you may lose warranty when you enable developer mode).

        That's good, but what I don't get in that case is... does that
        coincidentally mean "enable developer mode" == "disable copy

        Best regards,
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