Hi Luciano,

some answers below.

On 12.11.2013 11:54, Luciano Montanaro wrote:
I would like to submit my application for review, but I probably need
to do some cleanup:

Has the icon size changed to 86x86? If so I will need to update it
with the new size.

Yes icon size is supposed to be 86x86. The next SDK update will have this sorted out in the template and example applications.

Moreover, I think the package is meant to be uploaded as an armv7hl rpm,
but I cannot build it with qtcreator.

You are correct, ARM packages are required. It is possible with qtcreator, but it is a bit clumsy until we have real device support in the SDK.

What I tried is: change target to ARM, use rpm as deploy mechanism,
use the "deploy" menu item of the "Build" menu.

But I get an error that I need a device defined for the deploy to
complete, and no RPM packages.

To create ARM packages, you will need to add/select the ARM target and then choose the "Deploy Method ARM", which will create the RPMs for you, but won't try to install them on any device.

To execute the ARM rpm creation, choose the Build->Deploy project "projectname" from qtcreator menu. Once ready, qtcreator will display a pop-up window telling the location of the created packages.

If you have tried to change the qtcreator kit/target while troubleshooting this yourself, the behavior might not be as described above.

Also be sure to clean the project from Build->Clean project "projectname" if you switch between target architectures (i486/ARM). Otherwise you'll end up packaging wrong architecture binaries to the RPM.

Is this supposed to work, or should I wait for an updated SDK?

It does work, but is quite awkward as you can see. Again once we have the real device support in the SDK, it will become easier.

We are working on shadow build support, which will build ARM/i486 binaries in separate directories. It will be available in the next SDK update.

I also tried a few combinations of the mb2 command, with no better luck.

If you want to play with the mb2 command, here's a line that should work. First login to the build engine as user 'mersdk' and cd to your project directory.

$ mb2 -t SailfishOS-armv7hl build

Note, that you can use tab-completion to fill in the target name, which is easy to typo.

Best regards,

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