
Just a quick note on that: not many theme effects are currently supported, and 
file effects are not supported.  For best results, use a custom haptic effect, 
with manually tuned intensity and envelope values.  You NEED to test on a real 
device, as haptics are something which feel completely different on different 
devices even with the same intensity etc values, just depending on the type of 
vibra motor which is in the device, and any specifics of it (eg, the mass of 
the ERM, etc).

The backend is https://github.com/nemomobile/qt-mobility-haptics-ffmemless just 


From: devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org [devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] 
on behalf of Mariano Boragno [marianobora...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 3:17 PM
To: Christopher Lamb
Cc: Sailfish OS Developers
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Feedback / Haptics on Jolla Device

Hi Chris,

Well, that was sssoooo simple! I wasn't able to find any documentation, next 
time I will try to calm myself down and dig some more, lol!

Thanks a lot for the support, guys! I hope to submit my game soon to the 
harbour... :-)

...Mariano Boragno...

On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 7:52 PM, 
<christopher.l...@thurweb.ch<mailto:christopher.l...@thurweb.ch>> wrote:
Ciao Mariaon

Have you tried:

import QtFeedback 5.0


Obviously your emulator won't vibrate ...8-)


Zitat von "Mariano Boragno" 

Hi there,

I'm porting a little game I wrote for Harmattan in QML which uses
HapticsEffect from the "Qt Mobility 1.2 Feedback API". I've found that as
per https://sailfishos.org/wiki/Porting/Harmattan, Qt5 QtFeedback Add-on
could be used in Sailfish, but I haven't found much documentation about it.

Is there any QML plugin (something like a wrapper) to use the add-on or
should I interface the QML view with C++? Any suggestion, ideas?

Thanks a lot in advance.


...Mariano Boragno...

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