On 22.11.2013 12:58, Kajetan Dobczyk wrote:

After the IDE installation:

- There's no Sailfish project option in "File -> New File or Project", although Mer is checked in "Help -> About Plugins"

- In "Tools -> Options -> Mer", when I click "Start Emulator", nothing happens, either in SailfishOS Emulator / MerSDK. My VirtualBox is 4.1.8, I've tried with the newest one too. After one of many installations, I could turn on the emulator, but when I tested the connection, I got this message: "ssh connection failure: server rejected key.". I see that some other folders are created on my hard drive - IDE is installed in "Sailfish", and near it are "SailfishOS" and "Sailfish OS". Maybe the uninstall utility doesn't clear everything?

There should only be one directory under which the SDK (IDE) is installed. You get to select this path when running the installer.

The uninstall utility does not clean everything. It does its best to remove the main installation directory which usually is called SailfishOS. It leaves behind the QtCreator configuration directory, which contains for example paths to the installation directory.

Since you are seeing several directories with the word Sailfish in them, is it possible that you have tried to install the SDK multiple times to different paths? If this is the case, then the aforementioned config files may contain wrong paths, which will lead to problems when trying to use QtCreator.

In Linux this configuration data is saved under the /home/username/.config/SailfishAlpha2 directory. In Windows it should be under C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\SailfishAlpha2.

Could you run the uninstaller once more and then manually remove that SailfishAlpha2 directory?

Afterwards, when running the installer, please choose a path that does not have any space characters in it. The SDK does not currently work properly if the install path has spaces.

Best regards,

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