Hi Antoine

I think I had similar problems some months ago.

If I remember correctly, I had to explicitly resize the menu height after adding items to it.

I will see if I can find the old code, and have a dig around in it ...


Zitat von Tigre-Bleu <de...@tigre-bleu.net>:


I try to dynamically populate a ContextMenu but either I ran into a bug in the Silica Component or there is something I'm doing wrong.

Here is an example of simplified code showing the problem:

        ComboBox {
            width: parent.width
            label: "Menu"

            menu: ContextMenu {
                id: menu
                MenuItem { text: "Static 1" }
                MenuItem { text: "Static 2" }

            Component {
                id: menuItemComp
                MenuItem {}

            Component.onCompleted: {
                console.debug("Populating menu")
                for (var i=0; i< 4 ; i++){
var newMenuItem = menuItemComp.createObject(menu, {"text" : "Dynamic" + i})

And in attachment is the result in the emulator.

We see that Static entries are correctly displayed, but dynamic ones are all superposed.

What is wrong?



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