Hello, Selon Pekka Vuorela <pekka.vuor...@jolla.com>: > I assume you are here talking about Sailfish keyboard. It's layout > system is its own. Maliit only covers lower levels for communicating > with the application, hosting keyboard plugins, etc. Thus removed rest > of the mailing lists. Ok, I didn't know.
> What you ask is more difficult, e could become é, è, ê or ë. As > conventional dead key that would require four buttons. French layout has > space for maybe two more buttons, but then it's a compromise whether to > have larger buttons or cover part of the accents. Ok, but I'm not thinking about a dead key to compose accute or grave accent (or more flourish ones !). I was thinking of a single key that changes the layout of the whole keys. So e accute and e grave won't be necessarily positioned on the e letter. For instance, assuming we have the current layout: q|w|e shift|a|s| Pressing shift will result in viewing: Q|W|E Shift|A|S| So I'm thinking of an fn key like: q|w|e shift|a|s| fn|z|x which would give after pressing it (like the shift key): �|w|� shift|�|�| Fn|�|� Are my explanations clearer ? What piece of code should I give a look at to add a key that acts like the shift key by changing the layout of the whole keyboard (once if pressed once or locked if pressed twice) ? Thanks anyway to be so quick in answering ! Amazing job. Damien.
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