Janne Pulkkinen <jannep...@gmail.com> writes:

> I've noticed that when I download files using Firefox, or try to open, copy
> or in overall handle files using ES File Manager or other Android
> applications like game emulators, the actions often fail. However, after I
> changed the file and directory permissions to 777 using chmod, the files
> could be read, copied and moved around without any problems. Since I have
> to apply the file permissions every time I download a new file, it isn't a
> really good solution to the problem. All the files and directories in
> question are located in /data/sdcard (which isn't the SD card, but appears
> to be a sandboxed area of the internal storage used for Android apps).

Yes, that for /data/sdcard that sounds like a problem on our side, I
just created a bug for investigation. For the home-directory and
directiories underneath that restrictions for the Android layer are
intentionally restricted, to /data/sdcard there should not be any such
restrictions, though.


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