I don't know about Python, but QML is giving no feedback at all (even console.log does not work) since the SDK update.
See " no output from console.log" topic above. Possibly related.

On 12/15/2013 05:19 PM, Osmo Salomaa wrote:

I'm writing an application using QML and PyOtherSide. I'm new to Qt, QML, PyOtherSide and all the rest apart from Python.

I ssh into the emulator and use 'qmlscene main.qml' to run my application. I'm wondering about qmlscene's error handling. I create QML objects dynamically based on data sent from the Python side. If I have an error in my QML code, qmlscene seems to just silently stop executing code at the offending point. I'd expect an error message, maybe even a crash. Why don't I get that?

Two examples of these ignored errors: (1) I was referring to an object by its id apparently out of scope, solved by moving the Python block from under ApplicationWindow to under Page and (2) I mistyped a method call, 'addItem' instead of 'addMapItem'.

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