Hi Kalle

I was playing around with a SilicaListView with a 100 items, with console.log output on Component.onCompletion and onDestruction, and was scrolling up and down (in the Emulator).

What we really need is console.log back in the QtCreator application output where it belongs. This should be a priority fix.



Zitat von "Kalle Vahlman" <kalle.vahl...@movial.com>:

2013/12/16  <christopher.l...@thurweb.ch>:
Hi All

As reported in a previous thread, the latest SDK release does not spool
console.log output to the QtCreator application output.  journalctl has been
suggested as a workaround.

Having experimented with journalctl, Is it possible that console.log output
to journalctl either gets lost, or is reported many seconds / minutes later?
That seems to be the behaviour I am observing.

If you flood messages, they might be suppressed. There's a limit of
200/10s or so. If that happens you should see a message about it in
the journalctl output.

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