It works fine here. You may have to check your IP address and network sub-mask 
are compatible with the IP address of your Jolla. You may also have to check 
your network routes.

Best regards.


Le lundi 23 décembre 2013 18:53:21, Alexander Ladygin a écrit :
> Ahoy everyone!
> For some reason i can not connect to my Jolla from my laptop
> I turned Develeper mode on, set the pass, set the IP
> I'm connecting jolla via USB, then selecting Developer mode, and then
> trying to SSH from host
> PING is just getting all packets lost and with "ssh nemo@" i'm
> getting:
> FATAL: Unable to connect to destination host, errno=110
> ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
> Any thoughts?
> My laptop's OS is Opensuse 13.1
> Thanks
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