I did find this somewhere

ssu ar mer-tools
ssu ur
pkcon refresh

pkcon install powertop

-----Original Message-----
From: devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org 
[mailto:devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] On Behalf Of jja...@gmail.com
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2013 8:48 PM
To: devel@lists.SailfishOS.org
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Battery life without The other half Daemon running

Hii sailors,

Thanks for the instructions on how to stop/disable TOH-daemon in dev-mode. 
Works perfectly, and I'm now testing how much it affecrs the battery-life  (in 
comparison to covering the NFC-tag with foil).

I saw that someone was using powertop to  monitor power consumption, but how 
do.you install it? Couldn't find it with pkcon.. 

Thanks for any info,
>On Mon Dec 23 2013 13:25:48 GMT+0200 (EET), A. Wickert wrote:
>>Dear Jani,
>>use :  systemctl stop tohd.service
>>And systenctl mask tohd.service to make it permanent even on reboot, 
>>which i do not prefer at the moment.
>>On 23/12/13 11:29, Jani Kotakoski wrote:
>>> Dear Annika,
>>> can you please tell me how to properly close the daemon? Killing it doesn't 
>>> help -- it respawns automatically.
>>> Thanks!
>>> // Jani
>>> "A. Wickert" <sailf...@penguinfriends.org> kirjoitti:
>>>> Hi everybody,
>>>> I read this article today:
>>>> http://reviewjolla.blogspot.com/2013/12/jolla-battery-life-power-co
>>>> nsumption.html
>>>> And now I trying to measure the difference with "tohd" on and off. 
>>>> I am using powertop to get the amount of power consumed by the 
>>>> phone.
>>>> - With tohd on, wlan on, screen off, logged in via SSH - 982mW
>>>> - With tohd off, wlan on, screen off, logged in via SSH - 552mW
>>>> This is a great difference I think.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Annika
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>Jukka Aaltonen
>Twitter: @jjaone
>Arctic Circle / Lapland
>Jolla device #3
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Twitter: @jjaone
Arctic Circle / Lapland
Jolla device #39
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