Hi Bernd

Thanks, I am aware of that, but I think it is an inelegant solution, acceptable ad interim as a workaround, but not longterm.

I have not yet seen the SMS app on a real device, but the one on my Nokia N9 has a tiny send button.

My app is designed for emergency use, must be easy to use as possible, and therefore I require a larger send button. I know from personal experience that trying to operate a mobile when it is wet and below zero degrees is not easy (at the very edge of the capabilities of touch screen technology).

I can also imagine a use-case for an alternative "large print" SMS Client for the visually impaired. Again on my N9 the font used is so small ....


Zitat von "Bernd Wachter" <bernd.wach...@jolla.com>:

<christopher.l...@thurweb.ch> writes:


Thanks, I mentioned that at earlier in this thread.

However I think that the harbour rule is too strict. I think there is
a legitimate case for apps that clearly state that their purpose is to
send SMSes, and have their own send button --> i.e. SMSes are only
sent with explicit permission of the user at time of sending.

the upcoming update introduces sms: as supported URL scheme for
xdg-open, so in the future your application may send SMS by using
xdg-open to call an URL like sms:12345?body=foo+bar+baz, which will open
the messages application with number and body prefilled, and just
requires the user to press 'send'.


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