
I'm a newbie with Qt/Qml anf Qt creator but trying to port Symbian Qt app
to Sailfish. App has C++ part and Qml part and so far I have managed to
port already C++ part (Qt4 --> Qt5) as it's already compiling with Sailfish
SDK. But when moving to Qml part it's getting difficult as I'm not familiar
of general project setup of qt applications in Qt creator and how to manage
dependencies etc.

- Symbian qt project contains strange "qmlapplicationviewer" part
consisting of files
 all of then containing text "This file was generated by the Qt Quick
Application wizard of Qt Creator.." i.e. generated with Qt creator.
 I did not found docs about "qmlapplicationviewer" from net and have not
seen these in Sailfish applications? Do I need these? Sailfish SDK does not
have wizard to create them?

- Currently I have C++ part compiling and integrated to main but from main
I'm just starting qml application window provided by Sailfish Qt creator.
So next thing would be to port Qml parts but I'm not able to start
application by using Sailfish example qml part as application output is
giving me following error:

   error while loading shared libraries: libQt5Declarative.so.5: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory

This must some very basic stuff but but as I'm not familiar how to handle
dependencies in Qt creator so I'm stuck to here now:)

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