Hi all,

what I'd like to see is a roadmap (important not only for developers but also 
for regular customers) that can be seen on the main Jolla or Sailfish page. 
This could be literally a visualized graph or something like that. On that map 
should be rough dates to the next releases and issues/features that are planned 
to be in this release. If you would link from the roadmap to the 
together.jolla.com page and vice versa, there would be enough information in a 
sense of "ah, this is why it's done first" or "ah, yes it's done at all, nice!".
Maybe questions/topics on the together.jolla.com page could have a special 
marker/icon that shows on the first glimpse that it is accepted by Jolla and 
will be done in near future.

On top of that a kind of sort function would be cool. "Give the top ten voted 
questions/feature requests".

About the double entries: AFAIK most Jolla team members are in holidays, so 
there is and will be a backlog and there is still the human factor ;-)


P.S.: I was so bold to use this thread because it fitted most but it's not a 
direct comment to the preceding mails...

On 26.12.2013, at 12:33, David Greaves <david.grea...@jolla.com> wrote:

> On 26/12/13 00:23, AL13N wrote:
>>> ... is open! Go there and contribute with ideas :)
>> awesome idea... hadn't thought of that.
>> some things:
>> 1. bad search (results in too much duplicates)
>> 2. wiki post is a bit useless
>>  A) either remove wiki post
>>  B) or ability to make a real wiki post
>>    * no answers
>>    * no comments
>>    * easy internal linking
>> 3. unanswered is becoming huge fast
>>  A) maybe some kind of an accepted answer from Jolla if it's on the roadmap?
> Agree - Unanswered feels like it is going to become full of unanswerable
> feature-requests. See :
> https://together.jolla.com/question/427/break-down-your-ideasfeature-requests/#post-id-496
> These would then be visible like this:
> https://together.jolla.com/questions/scope:all/sort:activity-desc/tags:voteforme/page:1/
> However those tags (which basically say "do the community want this") are 
> being
> removed.
> Anyone got any better ideas?
>>  B) how to handle things that are more for community? does this mean the
>> app dev can just pose an answer that can be accepted for his app?
> Yes see comment above about having 'Unanswered' be for community to answer
>>  C) ... i donno any real solutions
> Apparently nor do I :)
> David
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