As I said I built PyQt with Python2 because it's the default in Sailfish
today. If Sailfish-1.0 is about to switch to Python3 then I will also do
that, simple as that. But today Python2 is the default and that's why I
built PyQt with 2 and not 3. Python 2 and 3 can happily live side by side
but someone has to make the packages and it's not gonna be me so that's why
I use what's already available. The same goes for Gstreamer, I would rather
use 1.x but 0.10 is the default in Sailfish today and that's what I'm using

Greets Jens

On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 11:34 PM, Mikael Hermansson <> wrote:

>  Its not my opinion it's a fact why should a new platform depend on
> deprecated libs or language versions when we know it very soon will
> disappear even from upstream projects? And dists?
> Its only leads to maintanance hell. And when it disappear developers and
> endusers gets angry because apps not work.
> AFAIK Jolla don't recommend python2 even if it still exists in MeR or the
> repos it may very well dissapear sooner or later.
> So if you really want PyQT you better depend on python3 because that IS
> the future.
> Also think about the endusers, I know very well that its fun to play with
> every libs and possible combination but still can't hold every possible
> combination and endusers are probadly not intrested to install to many
> thirdparty repositorys just to get one application work. Right now it
> already seems to be an issues with all those thirdparty dropbox links
> releases latest days...
> Regards
> Mikael
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