I would like to make a few changes to the login/auth setup for developer
mode on my phone, to make it more similar to the other embedded devices
I hack on.

Does anyone see any problem with doing the following:

1) Put an authorized key in /home/nemo/.ssh and set
"PasswordAuthentication no" in sshd_config.  Remote SSH access would
then require using the right key.

2) Set "PermitRootLogin no" in sshd_config.  This disables direct SSH
access to the root account (allowing me to safely do the following step).

3) Set a password on the root account and enable the account.

4) Use "su -" to gain root access instead of devel-su.

5) Disable devel-su altogether.

The last two steps assume that devel-su does nothing that su does not,
except ask for the nemo account password instead of the root password
and that no important software (e.g. part of booting) uses devel-su.

I must admit I do not like the fact that the developer mode password is
displayed in the settings.  I realise that anyone with physical access
to the phone can get root access but I would prefer it to be a tiny bit
harder than just looking at the password in the settings.

If no one knows of any problems, I will give it a try in the next few
days and report back.

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