Hi All
Ever so often, when I try to install a package to the Emulator via
PkCon I get the following error:
Schwerwiegender Fehler: Fehler beim Herunterladen (curl) für
Fehlerkode: Unrecognized error
Fehlernachricht: Empty reply from server
(For the non-german speakers that translates to something like
"Critical Error: Error downloading .... for ....").
Having googled I found a workaround in the logs of an irc conversation
between Jonni and Artem
artemma: if you get cant resolve host, then you might want to run as
root in emu: echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf
After running that the server is resolved and packages are installed.
But what is going on here? Why do I repeatedly need to repeat this "fix"?
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