On Thu, 9 Jan 2014 15:34:14 +0000
martin.gri...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi,
> those who experience their Jolla crashing out of the blue, can you
> please elaborate, to  see if we're in the same boat?
> Did it switch off all of a sudden?
> Because I'm experiencing this repeatedly. I begin to see a pattern in
> my switch offs. Heavy network traffic on forced 2G in the western
> part of Munich (Pasing and Planegg). I haven't experience this
> problem in other areas so far, so I assume it could be ofono-related.
> Do you see common patterns among your crashes, too?

One question I would ask and that is, do you have developer mode
switched on? If I hook my phone up to my PC with dev mode on, if I
should inadvertently unplug the USB lead from the PC, the phone rolls
over. It doesn't do it if I simply click on PC Connection or Charging
when connecting in the first place. It's repeatable.
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