
no worries about the known issues, I just wanted to advertise that we have such a page :-)

Changing the extra src directory is currently only possible via a clean reinstall. Making it re-configurable after installation is on the TODO list.

Best regards,

On 15.01.2014 18:43, Simon Bolek wrote:
OMG! I wonder how many of you thought "what a moron not to read known issues" - please do not answer this... ...i did remove, clean and install SDK again, and it does work. However before that, i also tried to change the settings under AppData, but it did not work for some reason. Apparently only complete removal and new installation helps.

simon :-)

On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 5:11 PM, Juha Kallioinen <juha.kallioi...@jolla.com <mailto:juha.kallioi...@jolla.com>> wrote:

    Hi Simon,

    if you want to get rid of your old settings, clean the Qt creator
    config directory after uninstallation (be sure to close qt creator
    before cleaning too).

    This is mentioned in the known issues page:


    * If you want to change settings such as SDK installation location
    or additional source code location path, you need to remove SDK
    installation and manually delete the config file directory
    SailfishAlpha3 (in Windows it's under
    C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\SailfishAlpha3 and in other
    systems it's under $HOME/.config/SailfishAlpha3) and then
    re-install SDK.

    Best regards,

    On 15.01.2014 18:07, Simon Bolek wrote:
    Short update. I finally removed SailfishOS SDK and installed it
    I used ccleaner to clean registry etc.
    Installed SDK again AND... still the same :((( (crying)
    QtCreator sees the old settings. (see screenshots)
    HELP! Is there something obvious i'm missing?

    simon ;-)

    On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 4:14 PM, Simon Bolek
    <simon.bo...@googlemail.com <mailto:simon.bo...@googlemail.com>>

        I have a difficulty in changing src shared folder for VM
        MerSDK in QtCreator. It seems impossible right now.
        Working on windows 7 with the latest SailfishOS installed.

        While installing I set, stupid me, Project Folder to:
        thinking QtCreator would understand both. After that started
        a project and noticed that QtCreator  does not accept that.

        Tools->Options->Mer: MerSDK-"Shared Folders"-"src"
        I see
        Also in QtCreator in my particular App under Projects I see
        System Environment variable
        MER_SSH_SHARED_SRC = C:/path1/path1;C:/path2/path2.

        So far so good.
        Me thinking change settings -> all is well.
        However the following changes did not change anything.

        1) in the MerSDK VM under Shared Folders changed:
        src1 to C:/path1/path1 or
        tried with src, src2 etc.

        2) in
        changed SharedSrc to C:/path1/path1 or C:\path1\path1

        3) tried to override MER_SSH_SHARED_SRC in the particular
        project with only
        C:/path1/path1 or C:\path1\path1

        Nothing helps :( Every time i remove Mer SDK under Options
        and add it, first QtCreator sees only the one correct folder
        C:\path1\path1 , but after Apply and invoking Options again
        it shows me

        I also searched in the filesystem C:\ for all files
        containing string:
        or only
        there is nothing left in any .ini, .txt, .vbox etc. files.

        Any hints? What am I possibly doing wrong. I am not able to
        compile any project, as it gets me the error: Project is
        outside of mer shared src "C:/path1/path1;C:/path2/path2"

        The only way I see, how to work around this, is to delete and
        install sailfishos again :(


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