On Sunday 19 January 2014 11.08.06 Simon Bolek wrote:
> Because X11 Embedding QWidgets is not available in Qt5 I'am still
> developing with Qt 4.8.

AFAIK Qt4.8 is not supporting Wayland and SailfishOS is using wayland so you 
probadly should forget about Qt4... Offtopic but also most Linux desktops 
moving to qt5 2014... 

> However when trying to install Qt4 into MerSDK this appeared:
> Operation Progress
> *---------------------------------------- finished: installing package
> Mer-Qt4-development - exited with status 0*
> Loading repository data...
> Reading installed packages...
> 'Mer-Qt4-development' not found in package names. Trying capabilities.
> Synchronising target to host
> cannot delete non-empty directory: usr/bin
> Sync completed
> No provider of 'Mer-Qt4-development' found.
> Is this not available anymore or not yet?
> br
> simon:-)

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